Books or Shoes?

Two very different but good things. I know I like reading a decent book occasionally, as well as wearing a good pair of kicks. Especially if the book is full of endearing pictures and the shoes are well overdue for a throw out. Though redirecting my thoughts more toward music, by converging good and books together, we're left with Goodbooks. Goodbooks and Good Shoes are two separate bands, having nothing to do with each other, but two very good bands. Good Shoes are fast, English, and difficult to understand; as Goodbooks are an electronic ear pleaser that have just been remixed by Crystal Castles. Good things are usually as their name, so go look. Add their songs to your myspace player, so you too, can be good.
MP3: Goodbooks - Leni (Goodbooks vs. Crystal Castles)
MP3: May Lannoye - Good Shoes
I heard Leni on Annie Mac's mashup last week - brilliant song!!
1:14 PM
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