Here's that post that I promised.

About The Vaselines: a somewhat obscure, somewhat desolate late 80's/early 90's band from Scottland. You might know the song Molly's Lipscovered by Nirvana, also covered by a small band from the UK called The Paddingtons. They only released one whole album and two short EPs throughout their career. Just enough to make a decent compilation..
That being The Way of the Vaselines: A Complete History:
MP3: Teenage Superstars - The Vaselines (YSI)
MP3: No Hope - The Vaselines (YSI)
MP3: Molly's Lips - The Vaselines (YSI)
The Paddingtons' cover of Molly's Lips from their 2005 single Panick Attack:
MP3: Molly's Lips - The Paddingtons (YSI)

Then other stuff I've been randomly listening to a lot lately would include:
Zoot Woman's 2003 S/T album. Especially:
MP3: Taken It All - Zoot Woman (YSI)

Also 60's band The Troggs' Hit Single Anthology which includes Wild Thing, which I've heard a million times before, and then a whole bunch of other songs that I've never heard before pre-ownership of the album. My favorites:
MP3: Wild Thing - The Troggs (YSI)
MP3: Hi Hi Hazel - The Troggs (YSI)
MP3: I Want You - The Troggs (YSI)

I've been listening to Nick Drake a whole lot, something I go through casual periods of. The Ponys a whole lot, specificaly their 2005 Another Wound EP.. AND ESPECIALLY SOULWAX'S MOST OF THE REMIXES, which officially comes out October 22nd.. something you must own eventually. It's made up of.. most of the remixes that they've done. Click for the tracklisting, and to pre-order.
MP3: Kimbie - Nick Drake (YSI)
MP3: Things Behind The Sun - Nick Drake (YSI)
MP3: How Does it Taste - The Ponys (YSI)
MP3: Looking Out A Mirror - The Ponys (YSI)
MP3: Robot Rock (Soulwax Remix) - Daft Punk (YSI)
MP3: Six Days (Soulwax Remix) - DJ Shadow (YSI)
MP3: I Sit On Acid (Soulwax Remix) - The Lords Of Acid (YSI)
MP3: Muscle Museum (Soulwax Remix) - Muse (YSI)
Also been listening to Funk Classics: the 80's, which would include Carl Carlton, George Clinton, and The Brothers Johnson, which I won't get into.

Last week went nicely at Ruff Club, except for when I started doing an awkward thing with my hand (see above). This week will probably surpass last week's niceness because of.. well.. look at the flyer:

I also managed to get upstate last weekend to explore what was left of an old ski resort called The Big Vanilla. Actually couldn't get into the challet up top of the mountain, which was dissappointing. Perhaps this coming weekend I'll give it another go.. IT'S AN AMAZINGLY HUGE challet/lodge, too bad there's nothing about the resort on the internet. Pics:

Off to work, then to this, maybe:

thanks for the paddingtons mollys lips
12:49 PM
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