I'll show you the ropes kid

If you're a Joy Division or a New Order or an early OMD (Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark) fan you already know about the British independent label, Factory Records, which started around 30 years ago - 1978 - about 11 years before I was born - which means that yes, my birthday is coming up (19, February 20th). You might thank Tony Wilson in particular, for that exceptional 80's english rock/post punk sound listened to so frivolously.
My mini Factory Records sampler:
MP3: I Want You - Cabaret Voltaire (YSI)
MP3: Shack Up - A Certain Ratio (YSI)
MP3: Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division (YSI)
MP3: Bright Red White + Blue - Blurt (YSI)
MP3: Enola Gay - OMD (YSI)
MP3: No Communication - The Durutti Column (YSI)
MP3: What Do You Want From Me - Monaco (YSI)
MP3: Something's Wrong Somewhere - The Wendys (YSI)
MP3: Age Of Consent - New Order (YSI)

Cabaret Voltaire formed in 1973, are considered industrial tech house, and aren't very good. Of course I'm also not too much into industrial tech house. They're named after a nightclub in Zurich, which was (sort of) the founder of this movement; they also have a song entitled: Do The Mussolini, which probably means be a fascist dictator. etc.

I've recently gotten into A Certain Ratio. They're featured in the movie 24 Hour Party People where Tony Wilson (manager, played by Steve Coogan) calls them 'Joy Division but better dressed'. I would look into the 24 Hour Party People soundtrack if I were you. Right here. Blurt formed around 1980. They based the majority of their tracks upon repetitive minimalistic guitar, which is an interesting concept, the music not so interesting.

OMD, who later left Factory for Virgin, are widely known for their synth-pop-esque sounds, and also for the single If You Leave. The Durutti Column (sometimes referred to as the 'Definitive Factory Records band'), was named after Buenaventura Durruti (spanish anarchist). The band included Vinni Reilly - who previously played guitar with Ed Banger and the Nosebleeds (just thought I'd throw that in, cool name), and who also played guitar later on Morrissey's 88 solo album, Viva Hate. Monaco was a side project of Peter Hook (New Order bassist), formed mid 90's, very similar to New Order (for obvious reasons..), didn't last very long. The Wendys formed in the early 90's, never reached much success, still a pretty decent indie rock/pop band.
And now getting to this:
MP3: Daft Punk is Playing at My House - LCD Soundsystem (YSI)
Hence the post title.
That's it.
except for another chritsmas present idea.
that's funny; I was thinking about the movie 24 Hour Party People and had looked at the soundtrack about a week ago and had then decided that I wanted it for my christmas.
now with your recommendation, it's a must have on my list.
great selection too, these '80s music posts are the best, thanks!
6:26 PM
well done you for posting "I Want You" - had forgotten that - a great tune from back in my day xx
12:58 PM
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