28 November 2006

mix #3

a tuesday night mix.
Army of Me (Aba All Stars Mix) - Bjork
Easy Love - MSTRKRFT
Six Queens - Larrikin Love
Mr. Ice Cream Introduces - Soft Tigers
Remyxomatosis (Cristian Vogel RMX) - Radiohead
Done With You - The Whitest Boy Alive
Motorcrash - The Sugarcubes
Another Number (Rollercoaster Project Remix) - The Cribs
I'm On Standby - Grandaddy
Leave It Alone - DJ Mhedi
Let the Devil In (feat Katrina Ford) - TV on the Radio
Ringtone Advertising Director - Elle Milano
Natural's Not In It (Repackaged By The Rakes) - Gang of Four
I Go Hard U Go Home (Hell Berlin Mix) - The Presets


20 November 2006


Dropping out of high school always seems like the wrong route to go. Dropping out of high school, traveling Europe, manifesting in as much culture and music as you possibly can, though, seems oddly like a route I'd rather take over college. Not only is Final Fantasy a video game and a band, but Beirut goes a step further by being both a band and the capital city of Lebanon! What awesome homophones. Beirut has an uncanny ability to make guitars unmissed. Quoted from his myspace, the instruments used are as follows: a trumpet from Paris, farfisa organ, accordion, piano, ukelele, mandolin, glockenspiel, violin, cello, tambourine, an air powered organ, a congo drum, and a broken microphone (stolen from the University of New Mexico). If you like sounds from intruments you've never heard of, like me, you'll probably enjoy Beirut.

MP3: Mount Wroclai


Final Fantasy isn't just a video game..

What?! No! It's Owen Pallett's overwhelmingly awesome Final Fantasy. You know him.. maybe. He's the blonde Canadian violinist, part of the Arcade Fire. I had no idea such a thing, his 'band' even existed prior to a few days ago. I can honestly say, I never thought twice about a possible Arcade Fire sub-endeavor, but I love it. His solo popularity seems so overdue.. or maybe it's just me. And maybe I'm just so surprised at my own unpuctuality not knowing Final Fantasy was more than just a video game. Shame on me.

I can't find his myspace.. Owen Pallet on Amazon


15 November 2006


I don't have this t-shirt. But I'd like to.
I have so many Radiohead remixes that I don't know what to do with them all. So I'm giving them to you.

Oh holla!

Climbing Up The Walls (Featuring Sneaker Pimps) (Zero 7 Remix)
Climbing Up The Walls (Fila Brazilia Unreleased Remix)
Everything In Its Right Place (Hybrid Remix)
Everything In Its Right Place (Josh Wink Remix)
Myxomatosis (Crisian Vogel Mix)
Planet Telex (Depthcharge Remix)
Planet Telex (Hexidecimal Mix)(Com Lag version)
Planet Telex (hexidecimal mix)(High & Dry CDS Version)
Planet Telex (karma sunra mix)
Planet Telex (l.f.o. jd mix)
Skttrbrain (Four Tet Remix)


10 November 2006

happy friday.../ mix#2


M.O.R. (Live) - Blur
Community Revolution In Progress - MSTRKRFT
Sarang (Mixed by State of Bengal) - Jolly Mukherjee with the Madras Cinematic Orchestra
Crazy Eights - Tapes 'n Tapes
Gyoza - Bentobox
Your Biggest Mistake - Test Icicles
Personal Jesus (Boys Noize Rework) - Depeche Mode
Is Klar Pan (Pot Remix) - Feldah and Koba
One on One - Hot Chip
Mad Donna - T.Rex
I Need a Freak - Sexual Harassment (mixed by Andrew Weatherall)
Making You All Mine - Clor
Milano Model - Ost & Kjex
Dose A - Late of the Pier
It's Automatic - Zoot Woman (Paper Faces Remix) (mixed by Felix da Housecat)
Give Me Every Little Thing - The Juan Maclean



09 November 2006


When I have a headache, I turn on Lightning Bolt; especially their newest Hypermagic Mountain. Usually, it makes my headache worse, but then after about 2 minutes in, my headache has dissipated.. odd. Maybe the noise in my head and Lightning Bolt's sound waves subconsciously counteract, and kind of cancel each other out. A two-piece drum and bass duo, from Rhode Island, have been composing distorted and bizarre technical brilliance for the past 7 years. The epiphany of a younger, smaller, louder, fuzzier, more experimental sonic youth, formed in art school. I think they’ve practically structured their own genre. Once you’re past the ringing ears, the concept they’ve created is sort of ingenious. The lyrics are barely audible, but awesome; Dead Cowboy is even political; involving George W. in an Afghan pit. They’re a difficult band to comprehend, really, unless you listen. Your ears will hurt. They’re disorganized. But I guarantee they won’t be boring.

Lightning Bolt's Space.


07 November 2006

Acid Pebbles

My new favorite compilation album. Well, favorite long forgotten obscure mid 60's singles album. The 60's; the only decade I'd actually want to live in.. if I couldn't live in the 1920's Jazz Age (the girls then had cooler haircuts). The psychedelic facet of the time is totally neglected (currently, of course). I didn't realize that until I discovered the Pebbles Volumes. Hendrix was obviously awesome; Rubber Soul and Revolver were and are two exceptional albums, thanks to a mind-altered Beatles, but the other forgotten bands are almost just as cool.. well, maybe not as cool, but you know, nearly. I'm just disappointed that I can't find more info on the Pebbles' artists; like Jefferson Handkerchief and Adjeef The Poet. Any band who names their song 'Squafrech Lemon Comes Back' deserves more recognition. Even after a few good decades..

The Third Bardo, featured on Pebbles Vol:3
(4 Tracks in a .zip file)

Get yo'Pebbles


04 November 2006

New Young Pony Club

A day in and I lied already. I'll mini review.

The single 'Ice Cream' is obviously recurring... if you haven't noticed. Similiar to Irish band, The Chalets, sounding a bit like The Gossip and Gang of Four.. a little; they'll certainly get you dancing, or make you want to dance, if you can't dance, of course. DJ Mehdi's Mix of Ice Cream is downloadable on the first mixtape before this blog. It is, in fact, awesome. Oh, and FYI, Get Dancey is way better than Get Lucky..

NYPC's Space
Them on Amazon
Ice Cream is an awesome video.


my first blog of my third blogger.

I'm shitty at blogs. And very, very lazy.
For now on I'm just putting up e-mixes.
Then, you can like, check out the bands I've listed.

sorry for those who actually enjoyed hip-equip.


Homecoming (SLUTTT 98% Done Remix) - The Teenagers
Lose Your Mind - The Third Bardo
Ice Cream (DJ Mehdi Mix) - New Young Pony Club
Climbing Up The Walls (Fila Brazilia Unreleased Remix) - Radiohead
Everyday is Halloween - Dsico
I Ain't Saying My Goodbyes (Phones 12" Version) - Tom Vek
A Walk In The Dark/Reprise - Whitey
Autumn Sweater (remixed by Kevin Shields) - Yo La Tengo
Junkyard - Page France
The Anchor Song (Black Dog Mix) - Bjork
Green Fuz - Randy Alvey And The Green Fuz
Atmosphere - Technova (Remixed by Andrew Weatherall)
Click Click Click Click - Bishop Allen
