Phantom Other

So, tis Halloween. I put up an "official Halloween" post a few days ago (few down). It's not very scary.
The Department of Eagles don't really have anything to do with the holiday at all. (besides the semi-frightening and woodsy album artwork, which I think is great). However, might as well post up something good whilst I'm posting the flyer for tonight's party at Ruff Club. Should be a fun night.. see it here.
The following tracks are from Department of Eagles new In Ear Park, which could very well be one of my favorite albums of 2008. It came out the beginning of October. One of those dark, terrific, every song is amazing albums that you're still listening to 5 years later. Get it!
From In Ear Park:
MP3: Teenagers - Department of Eagles (YSI)
MP3: No One Does it Like You - Department of Eagles (YSI)
MP3: Balmy Night - Department of Eagles (YSI)
On my way to get a Jedi outfit, solely because I'd rather be carrying around a Lightsaber rather than a blaster. And besides, I don't think I fit in very well with the dark side anyway.
Happy Halloween,